Coincidently, I was just watching the video, Which he used at Reddit ; Again, Its a great idea, We should all give it a try, The way the world is currently going; Its not enough to just be technical, Its time to take a stand, But It really is pretty brilliant, I think I might do it myself and see how it goes!
Its actually an idea I heard about on last time's Video I think.I always wanted to try this out, And then I saw the video that he did, Its inspired me to try and make this myself.
Here's a video of what I have so far, Hope you guys like it.
My name is Amedio, And a few months back, I saw a post on Reddit, I followed the link, and it led me to this site, It's a great idea, I must give it a try.
I have the same name as this site, Which is a great coincidence!
This is the first time I have ever made a video on YouTube, I don't even know what to say about it, I am happy to say I made it but I have nothing to say about it. So I guess I'll just say I made it.
I made this video to share my knowledge of coding and programming to as many people as possible, I'm not sure if anyone will find it useful.
I don't know how to do animations, I don't know how to make anything more than a video of me talking.
If you guys find anything I do useful, Please feel free to like, Comment or Subscribe, it would mean the world to me!
I will update this in a few days time with any progress I make, Please keep checking for updates and feel free to leave a comment or question for me if you have one.
I am just posting to the forum to tell everyone I made a video! I would appreciate it if you guys would click the like button, If not I will understand.
Hi all, I'm glad I found a place on the Internet where we can share our knowledge.
I was just trying to get some feedback on what people thought about my video, I made it so I would know if I was heading in the right direction or not.
I'm also in the process of making a video on how to make an app using Photoshop, but that is very time consuming, I would love to know what you ac619d1d87
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